Lab-Epi Integrated Reporting Software

CIFOR created the Lab-Epi Integrated Reporting Software, a domestic open-source software application that combines laboratory data with food exposure (consumption) data into a single daily report. This software allows a jurisdiction to decrease cluster detection time, rapidly identify outbreaks, and increase the percentage of foodborne disease investigations that identify agent, food vehicle, and source of contamination.

Who should use it:

The application is intended for public health personnel conducting disease surveillance for foodborne pathogens to more quickly identify potential clusters of enteric illness within their own jurisdiction. The software can also be used to share information between jurisdictions for regional surveillance, and may be modified to accept data from both epidemiology and laboratory systems to create integrated reports.   

The CIFOR Lab-Epi Integrated Reporting software version 1.0 is now available. Please download the CIFOR Lab-Epi Integrated Report Software User Guide for instructions on how to insctall the software.

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